Amigos Para Siempre (Friends For Life), composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber and featuring lyrics from Don Black, was released 30 years ago today. Join us as we revisit this revolutionary hit!

Amigos & The Olympics

Amigos Para Siempre was written for the 1992 Barcelona Olympics closing ceremony, with the lyrics remaining in English except the title phrase, which is repeated in English, Spanish and Catalan. The song was performed during the ceremony by Sarah Brightman and Jose Carreras, with the duet being released to coincide with the games.

Chart Success

The track peaked at number 11 on the UK Singles Chart, and reached number 1 in Australia for six weeks, as well as number 3 in Portugal.

Notable Covers & Performances

Amigos has generated various incredible cover versions, including Spanish group Los Manolos, which reached number 3 in the Spanish charts.Other notable covers and performances include Katherine Jenkins, G4, a performance at the Shanghai 2007 Special Olympic Games, Don Black’s 70th birthday tribute concert and Really Useful Group’s concert in Beijing, during which the track was performed half in Mandarin and half in English.

Listen & Watch Now

Celebrate the birthday of this iconic track by listening to Amigos Para Siempre and watching the 1992 Olympic performance here:


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